
Nyle the Crocodile & Glover the Plover

This is wonderful to honor an importnant children’s book that creatively, clearly and brings in nature and worldliness, to explain the symbiotic relationships among these creatures (albeit all living creatures) supports the needs of each other despite, no as a positive results of the differences. In fact, it is the differences that bring to all living beings ways to live and achieve our potential. Than you Lateefah Simposn, for writing and publishing this book, and thank you to Amanda McIntyre for your beautiful illustrations that bring the words to life.” - Mary

Your passion for life shines in that little story. I wish the world can read this little book and see how a 2 ton crock and a2 ounce plovers can get along with one another and benefit from each other’s existence. This little book might just heal a wounded land. It’s too easy to see what makes us different. It’s much harder to realize what we have in common is so much greater that what us [sic] different about us.” – Anonymous


Enzi the One-Eyed Puffer Fish